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What are Webhooks?

Webhooks are a lightweight one-way communication medium for Suberra to inform merchants of actions taken by their subscribers - such as when there is a new subscriber or when there is a lapse in payments. They allow merchants to handle payment events without having to constantly poll an endpoint.

Subscriber Lifecycle

New Subscriber

Fired when a user subscribes to a plan or undos their cancellation.

"id": "8d309b28-d8c4-4684-9e80-6056d57e61b6", // UUID
"event": "NewSubscriber",
"timestamp": 1633513173, // epoch time
"txhash": "53a19fb483b17358bea358ffc772b03164be1c44384e4a3ef0cd13568f7a202c",
"subscription_contract": "0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174", // Your NFT Subscription Contract address
"product_id": "fd56f0d4-66b9-4779-9de0-2874346802b1", // uuid of product in our backend
"chain_id": "137", // chainid of evm networks
"chain_name": "polygon", // see
"data": {
"user_address": "0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174", // EOA address
"email": "", // User's email address, will be null if doesn't exist
"tokenAddress" : "0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174", // USDC's contract address
"denom": "usdc",
"amount" : 10.00 // aka $10 USDC

// re-subscribes aka undo cancellation
"id": "8d309b28-d8c4-4684-9e80-6056d57e61b6",
"event": "NewSubscriber",
"timestamp": 1643908174245,
"txhash": "53a19fb483b17358bea358ffc772b03164be1c44384e4a3ef0cd13568f7a202c",
"subscription_contract": "0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174", // Your NFT Subscription Contract address
"product_id": "fd56f0d4-66b9-4779-9de0-2874346802b1", //uuid of product in our backend
"chain_id": "137", // chainid of evm networks
"chain_name": "polygon", // see
"data": {
"user_address": "0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174",
"email": "",
"additional_info": "undo_cancellation"
// no token information because there was no charge


Fired when a subscriber is removed.

"txhash": "53a19fb483b17358bea358ffc772b03164be1c44384e4a3ef0cd13568f7a202c",
"product_id": "fd56f0d4-66b9-4779-9de0-2874346802b1", // uuid of product in our backend
"chain_id": "137", // chainid of evm networks
"chain_name": "polygon", // see
"email": "",


Fired when a subscriber unsubscribes on their own accord.

"product_id": "fd56f0d4-66b9-4779-9de0-2874346802b1", // uuid of product in our backend
"chain_id": "137", // chainid of evm networks
"chain_name": "polygon", // see
"email": "",